
YeePengLanternFestival.com is the Premium provider for the Yee Peng Lantern Festivals.

We are the SOURCE!   

Keep watching us for updates to the available events.  The page was last updated on: (Aug 07, 2020)

Choose one of the options below:

2020 Yee Peng Lantern Festival — October 31, 2020

Yee Peng Doi Saket ( Private Yee Peng / PYP)

Available NOW!

Yee Peng Lanna International ( Mae Jo / YPLI)

No updates

There are two events?  Whats the difference?   <Click to Read More>


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We want to congratulate everyone who purchased VIP seats for the 2019 Yee Peng Doi Saket event on November 11, 2019. All VIP seats have been counted and confirmed sold. For any of you that want to join us in the amazing experience, Standard seats are still available and can be purchased from the website …

Getting Tickets – The Process

Did you notice there is nowhere to enter your name or other details in the purchase page? How do I get my tickets once I pay? These are probably the two most asked questions before purchasing tickets on our website. Ready for the answer??? Where do I enter my personal information? After you buy your …

Where should I stay? Old City, Doi Saket, Mae Jo?

STAY INSIDE OR NEAR THE OLD CITY! That’s it. You can stop reading now….. Whether you are one of the lucky few to get tickets to the mass lantern release or are planning to stay in town for the local festivities, you should try to stay in the areas shown in the map above. Stay …


YeePengLanternFestival.com is the SOURCE for all or your lantern festival questions and arrangements.   As in previous years, we handle ticket sales for the lantern festivals, can arrange any tour in and around Chiang Mai all throughout the year, and can help with any questions you may have in relation to the lantern festivals or Chiang Mai in general.


***Formally, run under the CMStay name, we have separated the two websites to stop any confusion.   There are no changes to the arrangements, owner or staff running the event. ***